Your path to extraordinary health and prosperity begins here

Learn a sequence of movements to connect deeply with your body, thoughts, and emotions. This heightened self-awareness boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, enabling yourself to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

This online movement immersion is a proven step by step system to learn transformative and powerful movements.

Consistently increase your energy levels, free your body from limitations, and elevate every aspect of your life.

What People Are Saying





My name is Ting Ting, founder of GuanJing Method. I had spent most of my adult life in the Yoga industry. I led Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats in Bali Indonesia with great success for many years. However, in 2019 my world was rocked when I moved to LA and attempted to transfer my Yoga business to the LA scene. 

It failed miserably- leading me to question my identity as a healer, teacher, and mentor. All avenues of income from this place came to a halt. I went into a deep depression, with no focus, direction, or idea of what I should do as my bank account was draining down to under 500 dollars. I lost my desire to practice Yoga or even meditate. Looking back at it now, it was a sign from the Universe that this wasn’t my path anymore.

What this offered me however was a lot of time. With mounting frustration, anger, fear, and worry building up in my mind which led to tension and pain in the body, I didn’t know what else to do. So I closed my eyes and something began to move within me, and I decided to move with it. It was an energy that was unrecognizable. My body followed its current and afterwards I felt an immense amount of relief, trust, and love for my life path.

I started to practice this movement form in public places, at the park, and the beach. When I opened my eyes I had a small group of people every time- looking at me and wanting to know what it was I was doing and how they could learn. I realized we all have some type of negative emotion, trauma, some type of stickiness we want to free ourselves from. 

The spirit knows the answers but sometimes the mind gets in the way.

That is why GuanJing Method was created. The movements have a powerful way of directing negative energy into renewed life force. 

By learning these movements you learn to become an alchemist of your own energy system.

  • Are you craving for a profound to shift in your life? 

  • Do you desire to experience a higher quality of connection to yourself and in your relationships?  

  • Does a life full of to do lists, family, travel, stressful life situations, and a mind that is constantly working on overtime have you tired, and energy scattered?

  • Do you look in the mirror and say “is this how I want to age?”

  • You promise yourself that you will go to the gym, or yoga, or dance. But it often gets pushed back, or you lack the motivation and desire, or the clear direction.

  • There is no one to hold you accountable. And you find another day turned into months gone by without investing in your well being because other things seem to be more important.

  • The pain, stiffness, lack of focus just keeps accumulating leading to more frustration and indecisiveness about what to do, or how to hit the refresh button.

  • You begin to settle that this type of life is a “norm”



The Power of GuanJing | Becoming a More Capable Human

  •  Increased mindfulness: Improve concentration and awareness of the present moment. Through movement, learn to become more attentive and focused- enhancing your ability to be present in all aspects of life.

  • Stress and anxiety reduction: This immersion promotes deep relaxation and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Through movement- transform emotions and develop a sense of calm, become more mentally resilient and capable of handling various challenges in life.

  • Enhanced creativity and innovation: Engaging in meditative movements can activate the brain's creativity centers. By quieting the mind and enhancing intuition, these practices encourage a state of flow, leading to heightened creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities.

  •  Heightened self-awareness and self-confidence: Learn a sequence of movements to connect deeply with your body, thoughts, and emotions. This heightened self-awareness boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, enabling yourself to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

That’s why I created Master Your Movement.

So you can be guided by a simple step by step process that holds you accountable, gets you moving, and allows you to discover the power of your own energy system, so you can live a live full of empowerment and vitality.

Lets go over what’s actually in the Master Your Movement Program—so you can understand exactly what makes this Immersion so powerful.

This includes 12 group Zoom classes to teach you how to move properly & safely, build discipline and accountability, get detailed feedback, and obtain motivation to keep moving forward.

You are able to get on a call with me and other people seeking wellness guidance with you, learn from them and their questions, and ask your specific questions so you never feel alone.

Class specifics:

2-hour class every Sunday starting September 10th at 7:45AM PST

1-hour Tuesdays Sound healing class ( 5PM PST every other Tuesday)

This 2 Month Immersion has 4 parts:


  • In the first week, we explore the indispensable role of breath in movement. Breath acts as the connective thread, harmonizing various bodily systems and facilitating efficient movement.

    In our first weeks together we will explore the profound significance of breath in movement and shed light on the numerous ways that conscious breathing techniques can enhance our physical performance and overall well-being.

    By engaging the diaphragm and deep core muscles, breath acts as a natural bracing mechanism, supporting the spine and promoting optimal posture.

     Conscious, deliberate breathing techniques have been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, increase focus and concentration, and improve emotional regulation. This mind-body connection enhances movement by calming the nervous system, promoting a state of flow, and fostering a heightened sense of body awareness.

  • Weeks 3 onward we learn a sequence of movements that are spiraling and circular in formation. Just like the mesmerizing patterns found in nature, spirals have a natural flow and rhythm that promote balance and harmony. When we engage in movements that are circular and spiraling, such as in dance, tai chi, we tap into the energy of the spiral.

    This dynamic movement stimulates the flow of chi or life force energy in our bodies, promoting physical well-being and vitality. Additionally, spiraling movements have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce anxiety and stress. The circular nature of these movements also represents the cyclical nature of life, reminding us of the constant ebb and flow of energy and the interconnectedness of all things.

    Ultimately, incorporating spiraling circular shapes into our daily lives can lead to a deeper sense of connection, balance, and a renewed zest for life.

  • Think of this as the ultimate opportunity to release and let go. Our nervous system is a memory bank of every life experience and trauma we have endured. 

    Through these movements, we regulate our nervous system-which acts as the command center, coordinating and controlling all body functions. The movements are essential to maintain healthy nerve function and prevent stagnation. Regular practice of GuanJing stimulates the nervous system, enhancing its efficiency and promoting the release of neurotransmitters that positively impact mood and cognition. It also strengthens neural connections, improving coordination and motor skills. Practicing GuanJing movements is crucial for a balanced and thriving mind-body connection.

  • Your energy is the most powerful form of currency you have. 

    Imagine your life when your body is open and full of energy, your intuition is high, your mind is clear, and your soul feels at peace. 

    This is the power within cultivating Qi energy.

    It is the energy that pervades all of life itself. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed- it can only be transformed. 

    This is what the techniques in Master Your Movement teach you-how to transform suffering into something that serves.

  • In 8 weeks, you will say with 100% certainty that you possess the knowledge and movement skills required to continuously bring yourself back into calm alignment throughout the rest of your life. Or, I’ll work with you for an additional 30 days to get you there.

  • This includes 12 group Zoom classes to teach you how to move properly & safely, build discipline and accountability, get detailed feedback, and obtain motivation to keep moving forward.

    You are able to get on a call with me and other people seeking wellness guidance with you, learn from them and their questions, and ask your specific questions so you never feel alone.

    Class specifics:

    2-hour class every Sunday starting September 10th at 7:45AM PST

    1-hour Tuesdays Sound healing class ( 5PM PST every other Tuesday)

  • This includes text access to me between calls where you can ask me any question that comes to mind and solve any challenge that you have.

    You will have the founder and creator of this program walking alongside you so you never have a chance to get stuck throughout our journey together.

  • This includes an invitation to our member-only private Whatsapp community.

    Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals on the same journey towards greater health and financial abundance.

    Connect, collaborate, and support each other as you navigate the immersive experience. Surround yourself with a positive and empowering network that fuels your growth and success.

  • This includes a Sequence Manual with instructions and illustrations. Hold yourself accountable each week via fun and simple homework assignments.

    You will also receive one Chinese face reading to align your dharma and receive an assessment of health & emotional imbalances.

  • Discount on online courses- 50% off the full Online Curriculum

    All classes are recorded for later playback if you can't make live session

    Certification of Completion After graduation

    12 hours go toward Teacher Training certification

Through simple meditative movement patterns you will learn to direct your body's energy in ways that relax your mind, open your body and restore your nervous system.



  • No experience is necessary. Whether you are a devoted yogi, dancer, or simply getting back into your body for movement- this Immersion breaks down everything step by step for newbies, as well as refreshed insight and perspective for seasoned movement artists.

  • This requires 3 hours of your devoted time a week. We meet every Sunday for a 2 hour session with a 1 hour sound bath every other Tuesday. Movement assignments are part of the process that take 10-20 minutes to complete and send back to me. It’s about putting the right work in your precious schedule so that you move efficiently, and instantaneously experience profound results.

    So if you want to drastically feel better, breathe better, and move better in life- you’ll love working with me.

    On the other hand, if your entire goal is to see your life improve without putting in the energetic work, I can’t help you.

  • Many of the movements will have modifications for injuries. Once we get on a 1:1 call, we can discuss the specifics you need to feel supported during this process. The most powerful aspect is the quality of your breath and the intention of the mind which we cultivate during our time together.

  • This is my favorite question. :) Everyone has the power to shift their energy and empower their lives through movement. We are made up of life force energy itself. If you are struggling with discipline, lacking motivation, or feeling stuck, odds are I can show you an example of a client like you we’ve helped. Just ask when you book your call.

  • Interesting question. The origins of this movement form have been channeled by me- when I was in an incredibly low moment in my life. The movements came through as if it was a divine gift and I was simply the vessel that received its message.

    The breath has a yogic essence that has been backed by science proven to reset the nervous system. The movements are intrinsically moving Qi energy- while the structure is not traditional Qi Gong practice.

    The flow of how the energy moves is a dance with your energy system.

    The breath is the lead dance partner and the movements carry the energy.

    Many students do refer to GuanJing as “the best of Yoga, Qi, Gong and Dance” It is all of it and none of it at the same time.

  • The Master Your Movement Immersion has a “100% Confidence” Guarantee:

    In 8 weeks, you will say with 100% certainty that you possess the knowledge and movement skills required to continuously bring yourself back into calm alignment throughout the rest of your life. Or, I’ll work with you for an additional 30 days to get you there.


Get to Know Me

My name is Ting Ting and I have been in the movement and wellness industry for over a 2 decades.

My passion is sharing the techniques and knowledge learned through the years to help others move better, breathe better, and feel better. I love to help people rediscover a new respect for their bodies. To gain confidence and empower their spirit.

This passion has me to develop a new movement technique, GuanJing Method. An easy to learn meditative movement practice that cultivates Qi energy using spiraling circular shapes. The movements are designed to transform tension and heavy emotions into renewed vitality leaving the practitioner feeling refreshed and at peace.

My dedication to this practice is globally recognized as a pioneer in the movement industry merging elements of Yoga, Qi Gong, and Dance. My latest book " Meditative Movements to Optimize Health and Vitality" hit the best sellers list on Christmas Eve last year.

Everyday I strive to embody my practice and live in full flow with the current of life. To not take life so seriously and dance with the elements that come my way.

I would be honored to flow with you!